To provide a common platform for the job seekers and the job providers. To provide a search engine capable of helping both the candidate to find the job and the corporate companies in finding the right person.
Online Recruitment Process maintains information about the different job providers as well as the job seekers. It notifies every job seeker with the availability of the job as per the category in which the job seeker has registered user’s resume. The system also notifies the job provider with the information about the persons registered under the category required by the job provider. It also maintains a specialized search engine which provides instant availability of the jobs as the user’s category. The system maintains information of the users who have registered with the site and every user can post multiple resumes in every category. The system helps the user in formulating the resume in proper manner.
After searching the required job on the site the seekers can directly forward their resume to the corresponding email address listed in the search. This kind of functionality is again provided to the job provider who can instantly mail the candidates if one falls under their category.
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