The aim of this project is to develop an online crime reporting and management system which is easily accessible to the public, the police department and the administrative department. The normal public in India is afraid to lodge a complaint because they are filled with a false fear about the police department. An online complaint registering system will allay the fears of the public and will also help in the public helping the police department in catching criminals.
An online solution is very useful as the solution is inherently distributive. This distributive characteristic of the online solution helps in getting the different police stations to share information and get in contact with one another. The administrative work required to maintain records reduces greatly as the paperwork is almost minimal and the data is stored in an organized.
The other features of this online solution are enquiry about a complaint which has been registered before, the status of the complaint and other information. Keeping records of all the criminals will help the police department in keeping tabs on the criminals to refrain them from getting into illegal activities.
On the whole, the online crime registering and maintenance solution is an excellent method, which bridges the gap between the public and the police department and also helps the police department in preventing criminal activities.
E cops - screenshot
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