Academic Project management is a major issue which is faced by many educational institutes in India, the main reason for this is there is no automated system followed in any institute. College management/staff gathers all the project reports and project sources from students and store them physically in some locations probably libraries. To overcome this practical problem and also to make the process easy we developed an secured intranet application which is useful for each and every institute.
In our application student can login and can upload/enter all his details regarding project such as project abstract, White papers, SRS ,PPTs, Sources etc…. All this details are maintained in database. HOD or the head of the projects can directly search of any project. We provide role based authentication in this project for high level security. User can view all the documents online.
Modules / Functionalities:
In this project we have 5 major roles:
- Admin
- Project in charge
- Internal Guide
- Student
In this project Admin have the all authority he can add the role, streem, Academic year and Employee his Credential and Deparment. Admin have the all authority in this project
college prjct -
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