Reimbursement is the act of compensating someone for an expense. Often, a person is reimbursed for expenses when the person incurs those expenses through employment or in carrying out duties for another party. Common examples are firms compensating individuals who buy supplies for their companies or firms compensating employees on field or out-of-town assignments who pay for their stay and transportation.
Reimbursement can be of many types like day care, mobile expense, transport, medical expense, study expense and a many more.....
Employees often incur expenses on behalf of their employers. For instance, sales persons may use their automobiles and cell phones in the course of their duties. Other employees may purchase office supplies or advance payment for hotel rooms or meals. When must an employer reimburse employees for expenses incurred? Must employers reimburse employees for actual expenses—whether or not the expenses were reasonable? Alternatively, may employers give their employees a fixed amount intended to reimburse them for reasonable expenses?
The Employee Reimbursement System (ERS) is a web application for any organization, this application is very useful for submitting the reimbursement Bills (Hotel, travel, relocation, etc…) of the employees. It will not only reduce the time delay but also avoid the complexity regarding these bills for Organizations. With this application it is very easy for the employees to claim their Reimbursement amount in an organization.
Our application useful for an organization where in the employees will add the bills need to be reimburse by the organization, so that once the bills which need to be reimburse will be pass through the higher officials or authorities of the organization . that means when an employee of an organization submits the bill , this bill need to be approved by the higher officials of the organization than only the money will be reimbursed. First the manager will approved the bill than the director of the organization will approve the bill. Once higher authorities approved it, accountant will pay the employee reimbursement.
Existing system:
In the existing system i.e.., practically if we talk the process of reimbursement is almost a manual process in any organization. In this process an employee looking for reimbursement here fills a form and writes down the description for which he needs a reimbursement and how much? After few days he is given the reimbursement money after the process of the checking the description of the employee is completed. So we all can see clearly that only the information of the employee and the amount of reimbursement is only entered in the computer rest of the process is completely manual one.
Proposed system:
We are trying to propose a system which overcomes all such disadvantages which has been mentioned in the above existing system by automating the whole process. What exactly we are trying to do is, we will be automating the whole process into a web application where we shall be having the login facilities for all the employees depending on their designations and we will also have another kind of user who actually maintains the site by updating this information of each and every employee.
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