The Compliance services application is a web-based application for primarily providing Services to Companies who hire Consultants from vendors/suppliers. The main aim of this application is to Reduce Administrative costs by automating the workflow (via Web) taking place between the people on the Company-side and the people on the vendor-side and the hired Consultants.
This Application is useful for preparing the timesheets, which are entered by the consultants. Time sheet consists of company and project details and for each task like coding, design, testing, and documentation etc, the number of hours they worked throughout the week. Consultants having the permission to enter the time sheet. Also can check different types of reports based on project or client wise. These entered Time sheets can be approved or rejected by the manager (approver).this approving the time sheets is done by manager at the end of week by selecting option called week ending dates. At the manager’s login there are reports based on different search criteria. To maintain the details of users, projects, consultants, permission to login users and define the new roles can be done at administrative tasks. This application is maintaining three types of logins consultant, manager and administrator. Consultant can act as timesheet entry or expense sheet entry. Manager role is to approve the time sheet or expense sheet. And admin maintain all the details of consultants, managers, projects and roles. This reduces administrative costs for the company side.ACT -
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