The project titled “Efficient Resource Allocation for Wireless Multicast” is designed using.NET with Microsoft Visual Studio.Net 2005 as front end which works in .Net framework version 2.0. The coding language used is C# .Net.
In this project we are dealing with resource allocations in heterogeneous multicast networks using a bandwidth-efficient multicast mechanism. Our mechanism enables more mobile hosts to cluster together and leads to the use of fewer cells to save the scarce wireless bandwidth. Besides, the paths in the multicast tree connecting to the selected cells share more common links to save the wire line bandwidth. Our mechanism supports the dynamic group membership and offers mobility of group members. We formulate the selection of the cell and the wireless technology for each mobile host in the heterogeneous wireless networks as an optimization problem. We use Integer Linear Programming to model the problem and show that the problem is NP-hard. To solve the problem, we propose a distributed algorithm based on Lagrangean relaxation and a network protocol based on the algorithm. The simulation results show that our mechanism can effectively save the wireless and wire line bandwidth as compared to the traditional IP multicast. This can be achieved through selecting the cell and the wireless technology for each mobile host to join the multicast group. As a result bandwidth cost of an internet protocol multicast tree will be reduced.
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