The project titled “Development of a feature-rich, TRAINING PORTAL Application” is designed using Active Server Pages .NET with Microsoft Visual Studio.Net 2005 as front end and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 as back end which works in .Net framework version 2.0. The coding language used is C# .Net.
The Application has the System Administrator, Employee, Student (Trainee), Chat, Forum modules. The System Administrator can add a Course, add a schedule, modify a course, add a feedback, modify a feedback, Register a New Employee to the Concern, and view the profiles for both employee and student Profile. The Employee can view Schedule allotted by Admin, Forum Messages and he can chat with others to clarify the online doubt that afforded by the student. In Chat Module Whoever it may be entering into chat with others (Except Unregistered Users). The students can clarify the doubt through the Forum messages. The Students can post the question to the forum. If anybody knows the answer to those questions then they can reply the answer through the Forum. In chat everyone enter into chat (except unregistered user) with others.They can also create a separate room for chatting Like Entertainment, Jokes.Depending upon the user wish they can enter into chat with others. He/She can also possible to create a new room for chatting.
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